Engineering Roles

Why is engineering so hard to explain?

As a young engineer, I had no doubt in my mind that engineers designed things, and fixed things, and analyzed things. I never thought for a moment about the difference between engineering and science… or the difference between engineering and anything else for that matter. Yet as I set about explaining the engineering profession to non-engineers (and young non-engineers at that), there grows a great mysteriousness about engineering duties.

Koen [1] notes that engineers are known by the products over which they toil:

Because the connection of the engineer with his completed design is so enduring and the connection with his use of method so fleeting, a person insists he is an engineer based on what he produces, irrespective of how he goes about it, instead of insisting that he is an engineer based on how he goes about it, irrespective of what he produces. In a similar fashion, the historian uses the existence of dams on the Nile, irrigation canals in various parts of the ancient world, gunpowder, and pottery to infer the existence of engineers and craftspersons in past civilizations. But behind each chemical, each road, each pot hides the common activity that brought it into being. It is to this unity of method that we must look to see the engineer in every man.

So while Koen would have us see each person as an engineer, Petroski [2] tells us that there are distinct differences between engineer and scientist:

Although there may be commonalities in principle and similarities in method, neither science nor engineering can completely subsume the other. This is not to say the self-declared or designated scientists cannot do engineering, or that engineers cannot do science, In fact, it may be precisely because they each can and do participate in each other’s defining activities that scientists and engineers—and hence science and engineering—are so commonly confused.

And perhaps most disheartening, is the assessment of Williams [3] that:

… the establishment of an autonomous engineering profession oriented toward ideals of broad social responsibility … has not happened and is not going to happen.”

At the very least, engineering is a “niche-y” profession. My experience has been that no two engineers carry out the same duties, even if they work for the same company. So my quest continues; I’ll keep reading, and attempting to sift out commonalities among the world’s multitude of engineering roles!


1. Koen, B. V. (2003). Discussion of the method: Conducting the engineer’s approach to problem solving (Vol. 198). New York: Oxford University Press, p 8.
2. Petroski, H. (2011). The essential engineer: Why science alone will not solve our global problems. Vintage Books USA, p 26.
3. Williams, R. (2002). Retooling: A historian confronts technological change. MIT Press, p 80.

Engineering Roles

Mulling over potential book chapters

All right, so if I’m to author a book about engineering careers (intended for high-schoolers and their non-engineer parents), I need some sort of rough outline to serve as a starting point. To that end I’m mulling over some potential chapters topics (all of which currently come to me in question form…):

  • What is engineering?
  • What do engineers do?
  • What aptitudes are found in engineers?
  • Which engineering sub-discipline should I choose?
  • Is engineering a good career choice?
  • What training do engineers require?
  • Will I need to be licensed to work as an engineer?
  • What earning power do engineers possess?
  • Are engineers happy?
  • What is the future of engineering?
  • How do I get into a good engineering school?
  • What are employers looking for in engineering candidates?
  • How do engineers think?
  • What are the downsides of an engineering career?
  • What are the social implications of being an engineer?
  • What will drive me crazy if I become an engineer?

There are a lot of existing references about engineering careers, but it turns out that few people have really investigated what engineers do in the workplace. Therefore, many descriptions of engineering responsibilities emphasize design and analysis, even though a small percentage of engineers participate in these activities on more than an occasional basis. (See “Are we accidentally misleading students about engineering practice?” [pdf] by Dr. James Trevelyan, 2011 Research in Engineering Education Symposium, Madrid.) I’d like to provide a more realistic view of engineering practice, and to emphasize the value of engineering problem solving in fields outside “traditional” engineering vocations.

Potential references:

  • Educating Engineers: A listing of engineering schools by state, as well as a description of various engineering career opportunities.
  • Discover Engineering: Site established by DiscoverE (formerly the National Engineers Week Foundation) “to sustain and grow a dynamic engineering profession through outreach, education, celebration, and volunteerism.”
  • A Career in Engineering: Description of an engineer’s professional responsibilities, written by the Wall Street Journal.
  • Engineering Careers: A long list of engineering sub-disciplines provided by
  • Architecture and Engineering Occupations: Data on engineering employment and salaries provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Feel free to use the contact page to provide me with additional chapter topics and/or career planning resources!

Engineering Curriculum

Career, Teaming, and Entrepreneurial Methods

Well, now that the fall semester has started at Purdue, I’m going to make an effort to post more regularly. Of course, just one post a month would be more regular than my recent performance. 🙂 Anyhow, today’s e-mail brought a brochure for a course (IE 590 & ChE 597) titled, “Career, Teaming & Entrepreneurial Methods for Engineers.” It promises to teach engineers how to:

  • Be proactive in career development
  • Develop interpresonal and professional communications skills
  • Understand large technical project management
  • Develop an awareness of the technical marketplace and the supply of technology
  • Learn entrepreneurial methods

It sounds interesting. Why isn’t this type of class required for all engineering students?

I might be tempted to take it if I could afford more time away from my dissertation. However, I can’t graduate without defending, and I can’t defend without a dissertation. And it’s difficult to teach at a leading engineering school without a PhD. So more of my future blog entries may be more related to my research (and less devoted to engineering education in general). At least until I clear the hurdle of completing my final defense.

Engineering Roles

The Marshmallow Challenge

Ever hear of the “Marshmallow Challenge?” Small teams of individuals are given the following assignment: use twenty sticks of uncooked spaghetti, one yard of masking tape, and one yard of string to construct the tallest possible free-standing structure that supports the weight of a marshmallow. Most people assume that since a marshmallow doesn’t weigh much, it shouldn’t significantly affect the support structure. Of course, even a small mass can produce structural failure when placed atop a long unsupported column.

So what profession does best at this task? According to Tom Wujec, a Fellow at software company Autodesk, the tallest structures are built by engineers and architects. They consistently outperform similar teams of lawyers, business school students, or corporate managers. This is not an unanticipated result, as we expect our engineers to know something about static structures. However, it is rather surprising to learn that youngsters, even kindergarten students, do far better than most adults—kids are simply not afraid to repeatedly fail as they search for an approach that works. (You may discover more about this learning exercise at

Two insights come from this anecdotal report of group behavior. First, that engineers have been trained to think in a manner that is distinctly different from those in other professions. Second, that repeated rounds of prototyping and evaluation may be an effective means for dealing with the messy, unstructured, uncertain problems that engineers frequently encounter.

Engineering Revision

Programming the Physical World

One of the first articles that inspired me to start this blog was an article by Greg Wilson stating

Instead of software design becoming more like “real” engineering, we’re about to see the latter become more like the former.

To see what he considers “real” engineering, we need only reference his post of two weeks later, Without the Hot Air, in which he notes that

…almost none of what we call “software engineering” is actually engineering. I’ve worked with enough civil, mechanical, and electrical engineers to know how important back-of-the-envelope reality checks are to their disciplines. Other than figuring out how many servers you need to meet a service level agreement, I don’t know if such reality checks are even possible for software construction.

Having identified a fundamental difference between software and engineering design, Mr. Wilson correctly predicts (IMHO) that “real” engineers will inevitably become more like software designers in the future, rather than visa-versa. This will occur, he surmises, because new manufacturing methods, such as rapid prototyping and desktop manufacturing, can be manipulated via easily modified code. In comparison, traditional manufacturing methods require slow and costly changes to molds and tooling. As a result, future engineers looking to optimize mechanisms and processes (beyond the level possible with mass production) will increasingly turn to these newer technologies. In turn, they will need much stronger software skills, and will therefore turn to their software-centric colleagues for advice.

Five years from now, I predict that software designers who’ve been griping about never being given enough time or enough respect will be on the lecture circuit teaching their ID and IE counterparts how to be agile, live with chaos, and cope with design cycles measured in hours rather than months.

From what I’ve seen as a (rather elderly) grad student over the past five years, the programming skills of many engineering students are sorely lacking. I’d venture to say that the majority of mechanical engineering grad students with whom I’ve worked have no idea of how to use version control, or how to write a unit test. I am acutely aware of how easily a small programming error can alter the results of my research, and I suspect that a great many published articles unknowingly rely on faulty code.

Since I am studying in the area of feedback control, much of my programming work is in Matlab. Not a difficult language, and a heck of a lot easier to get started with than Java or C++. Still, while grading homework for an introductory grad-level controls class, I’ve come across some truly awful programming practices. This is not the fault of my fellow students. Engineering is not an easy discipline, and there never seems to be enough time to adequately cover the existing curriculum. As a result, engineering students are often never been exposed to the finer points of software construction. In many cases, programming skills are assumed but never taught—students are simply given a handout or two and expected to come up to speed on their own.

It would appear that Mr. Wilson has already recognized many of these same problems. He champions the Software Carpentry program, an effort to improve the software literacy of scientists and engineers. It is based on Python, rather than Matlab, but could probably be ported to a new language with few technical difficulties. (Finding the time to prepare for twenty-five hours of instruction is likely to be a much larger problem.) In any case, courses like this need to be a part of every engineering curriculum. Much of the physical world is going to be programmed, rather than fabricated, in the coming years.